Name: Kong Hong
Email: logickong@sina.cn
Areas of expertise: Logic, Legal Logic, Deontic Logic
Research interests: Logic, Legal Logic, Deontic Logic
Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
1. 2003 – 2006, Ph.D in Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
2. 1991 - 1994, Master’s degree in Logic, Nankai University
3. 1987 - 1991, Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Nankai University
Student education: Introduction to Logic, Modal Logic, Logic of Norm, SetTheory,StudyofFormalLogic
Journal articles (Selected)
1. Logic of Case Analogy Reasoning, Journal of Hubei University, 2013.
1. Tableau Methods for Logies[1] ,
2. Co-translator of CollectionofWillardQuine, Renmin University Press, 2007
Research Grants
1. Tableau Methods for Logies, funded by China University of Political Science and Law.
2. “Introduction to Logic under Logic Course System” (2010-2011), a Teaching Reform Project funded by China University of Political Science and Law.
1. The Teaching ReformProject"Introduction to Logic under Logic Course System" (2010-2011) was awarded as “Project with Excellent Achivements” by China University of Political Science and Law.