Fu Xiaoxuan
Department of Philosophy
China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, 100088
Sep 2015–Jun 2020 Ph.D in Philosophy, Tsinghua University
Sep 2011–Jan 2015 M.A in Philosophy, Wuhan University
Sep 2008–Jul 2011 B.A in Economic, Wuhan University
Sep 2007–Jul 2011 B.A in Philosophy, Wuhan University
Academic Visiting
Sep 2016–Aug 2018 Joint Research Center visiting student, University of Amsterdam
Teaching Experience
Courses Taught
•An introduction to logic
undergraduate course at China University of Political Science and Law
•Mathematical Logic (introductory)
undergraduate course at China University of Political Science and Law
•Mathematical Logic (advanced)
graduate course at China University of Political Science and Law
•Set theory
graduate course at China University of Political Science and Law
Teaching Assistant
Apr 2019–Jun 2019
TA, course of Modal Logic and its applications,
by Jeremy Seligman, Tsinghua University
Sep 2018–Nov 2018
Feb 2016–Jun 2016
Sep 2013–Jan 2014
Mar 2013–Jul 2013
TA, course of Logic, Computation and Games,
by Johan van Benthem, Tsinghua University
TA, course of Modal Logic,
by Fenrong Liu, Tsinghua University
TA, course of Symbolic Logic,
by Ming Xu, Wuhan University
TA, course of First-order Logic,
by Ming Xu, Wuhan University
1. Lift Preference in Decision-making Scenarios (决策情境中的偏好提升), Studies in
Logic, Vol.2, pp.61-76, 2020.
2. On the Qualitative and Quantitative Studies of Preference: A New Attempt (关于偏好
关系的质化与量化研究——中间道路的探索), Journal of Zhejiang University
(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2020 [with Fenrong Liu, to be published].
Translated Books
3. Logic in Games, J. van Benthem, Chinese Translation [ongoing work with Jianying
Invited Talks in Conferences
1. Completeness and Decidability of the Tense Logic of Integers Periods. The
Logic Colloquium 2018. University of Udine, Italy. 2018.
2. Reason-based Probabilistic Preference Lifting. Workshop on Logics for the Formation
and Dynamics of Social Norm (LFDSN 2019). Zhejiang University, China. 2019.
Research Grants
•National Social Science Foundation of China (20&ZD047), member
•Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program (2017THZWYX08),
Research Interest
My main interest is around epistemic logic, especially the issues connected with preference,
belief and games. There are two main gaps in the current logical literature on game playing.
Both have to do with the fact that players take decisions all the time, and these decisions are
based on two aspects: their preferences and the probabilities that they assign to possible
outcomes of their actions. I am working on enriching the preference logic framework with
numerical probabilities to capture the underlying probabilistic reasoning, without losing its
essential features. I want to get a better perspective on: what are the limitations and advantages
of logical methods for analyzing decisions and games.