Name: Hu Xiaojin
Email: huxiaojin78@163.com
Position: Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: American History
Research interests: History of American Political & Law, History of Sino-US Relations
Qualifications: Ph.D, Nanjing University, 2007; B.A. Central China Normal University, 2001
Courses: American Constitutional History, American Legal Culture, and American Democracy
Publications: book: Lawyers and Liberties: The Legal Education in the 19th Century America (2014); translated books: On Democracy's Doorstep: The Inside Story of How the Supreme Court Brought One Person One Vote to the U.S. (2015); Lincoln's Code: The Laws of War in American History (2015); The Most Democratic Branch: How the Courts Serve America (2013); Storm Center: The Supreme Court in American Politics (2010); I Dissent: Great Opposing Opinions in Landmark Supreme Court Cases (2010). Articles: “Face taboos and refuse to forget: 2015 Conference of Organization of American Historians” (2016); “Female Perspective and Oral Trend in the Study of American Civil Rights Movement Historiography” (2017); “Comparison of Training Specifications between Medical Schools and Law Schools: American Experience and Its Enlightenment” (2017); “Translation and Dissemination of American Constitution in China around 1987” (2018); “The Commercial Press and the Translation of U.S. Constitution in China” (2019); On the Constructing of Miracle Discourse of the U.S. Constitution-Making (2020)
Research Grants: A Study on the Translation and Dissemination of American Constitution in China (2016, National Social Science Foundation of China)
Awards: The Fifth "Research Achievement Award of Chinese Legal Education", 2017, Law Teaching and Instruction Committee of the Ministry of Education.
Academic visiting: Visiting scholar of University of Oregon, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Virginia in the spring of 2007, 2015 and 2016-2017 respectively.