Name: Zheng Yunyan
Email: yunyan2016@sina.com
Position: Lecturer
Areas of expertise: Book History
Research interests: Historical Literature, History Theory and Historiography, Cultural Exchange of China and the West, Book History, Chinese Legal History and Culture
Qualifications: Doctor’s Degree
Courses: China in World History; Seminar of Chinese Legal History; Chinese Ancient Literature; China and the World in History; Brief Chinese History; History of Cultural Exchange between China and the West in Modern Times
Publications: translated work: The Emperor's Four Treasures by Kent Guy (2019); monograph: A Comparative Research on Provincial Chorography of China and Britain in the Eighteenth Century (2018). Papers (recent 3 years): The Three Modes of Knowledge Communication and Integration in the Mutual Learning between Chinese Civilization and Western Civilization (2019); The Foreign Correspondents of the Commercial Press: English Advance Subscription for Congshu Jicheng in 1935 (2018); From "Attaching Western Learning to Chinese System" to "Analyzing Chinese Knowledge According to the Western System": The World Significance of Siku Quanshu from the Perspective of Book Taxonomy (2018).
Research Grants: “A Study of Modern Subject History” (research project of CUPL, 2017); “A Study of Books on Different Disciplines” (research project of CUPL, 2019)
Academic visiting: Princeton University, 2015