Li Jingze

SOURCE:     TIME: 2019-12-09

Name: Li Jingze

Position( Professor/ Associate professor/Lecturer):Associate professor

Areas of expertise:

Visual Culture, Art history, the Chinese painting theory

Research interests:

Hellenistic art in central Asia, mass culture theory, movie appreciation, the theory of the brush and ink in Chinese painting


1) Doctor of Arts (Sep. 2012 –June 2015)

China Central Academy of Fine Arts, School of Humanities, Art history Department

Supervisor: Prof. Yi Ying

2) Master of Arts (Sep. 2009 – June 2012)

China Central Academy of Fine Arts, School of Humanities, Art History Department

Supervisor: Prof. Yi Ying

3) Bachelor of Arts (Oct. 2005 – June 2009)

China Central Academy of Fine Arts, School of Humanities, Art History Department

Student education:

Introduction to Chinese Civilization; Artistic Culture and Art Appreciation; Western Art History; Foreign Movie appreciation;Appreciation of Ancient Artworks of China


Journal articles

1. On the Interaction between the Visual Culture and the Social Governance:Take the Visual World of the Ai-Khanum in Afghanistan during the Greco-Bactrian Period as a Case”,Art Research(CSSCI), 2019(2).

2. “The Selection and Negotiation under the Multicultural Background: the Visual World of the Taxila in the Indo-Parthian Period”,Art Magazine(CSSCI), 2018(7).

3. “The Artworks in the Tillya-tope Graves and Their Cultural Context”,New Arts(CSSCI), 2017(3).

4. “The Fusion and Missing of the Hellenistic Culture in the Hellenistic Far East Art”,Art Magazine, 2015(8).

Conference papers

“Intension, Identity and Ethos: On the Interaction of the Art of Botticelli and Social Context”, The 3rdArt Academic Symposium of Art History andNational[1] held by the Guangxi Arts University, 2019.


Li Jingze & Qi Zhirui ed.,Artistic Culture and Art Appreciation, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2019.


The 6thchapter “Print” and 9thChapter “Design”, in the Yi Ying ed.,the New Fine Arts Appreciation, Higher Education Press, 2014.

Academic visiting

Academic Visiting to Pakistan for 3 months, which is supported by the 8th“Middle-aged and Young Chinese Artists and Scholars of Overseas Research Scheme”. This scheme is held by China Artists Association, and supported by the state funding.

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