He Mengye

SOURCE:     TIME: 2020-12-16

Name:  He Mengye

Email: 3066626817@qq.com

Position: Lecturer

Areas of expertise: Erhu performance, Chinese national instrumental music

Research interests: Chinese national instrumental music, Chinese musical aesthetics, musical aesthetic education

Qualifications: Master’s Degree of Erhu Performance, The Central Conservatory of Music

Student education:

Art Theory and Practice》、《Erhu Performance Art Exploration》、《Classic Instrumental Music Appreciation and Practice》、《Artistic Appreciation and Creative Practice

Journal articles:

[1] Mengye He, “A Brief Analysis and Suggestions about Aesthetic Education”[J], NCPA Grand National Theatre, 2020, (7):68.


[1] Mengye He, “Analysis of the Second Erhu Rhapsody Playing Techniques”[D], Master's thesis of Central Conservatory of Music, 2016, 5.

Academic visiting:

Visited the University of Bucharest in Romania as Art Director in 2016, and participated in cultural exchange activities in the United States, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and other countries.


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