Wei Ying

SOURCE:     TIME: 2021-12-06


Email: 991592698@qq.com

Position: Lecturer


Received PhD degree in Fine Art(美术学) from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Received Masters degree in Fine Art(美术) from the Chinese National Academy of Arts.

Received Bachelors degree in Painting from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Research interest:

British Academism in the Late 19th Century, Contemporary painting

Student education:

Oil painting techniques; The sketch techniques(素描技法)

Journal articles:

"Rational Expression and Gaze: Re-discussion on the Expressiveness of Edvard Munch's Painting"World Art ,2020(4).

"On the Influence of Munch's Painting Language to Expressionism", Literature Life ,2015(14).

“Brother's Melancholy”, Art MagazineCSSCI, 2018(10).

Observation; Blue Sweater; etc., Journal of Guizhou University,2020(1).

Academic visiting:

Academic Visiting to New York Academy of Art for 3 months in 2013.

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