Shoupeng Ni
Associate Professor
Email: spni@sina.com
Office: Yifu Hall 4080
Phone: (010) 5890-9443
Office hours: Thursday 14:00 to 16:30 or by appointment.
Mailing address:
School of Humanities
China University of Political Science and Law
No. 27 Fuxue Lu, Changping District
Beijing 102249, P. R. China
B.A., Peking University 2002
Ph.D., Peking University 2007
Areas of Interest
Western Marxism
Political Philosophy
Value Theory
Selected Publications
Jameson's Critical Theory. Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2013.
“On the Status of the Justice Conception in the Historical Materialism.” Philosophical Researches7 (2016): 17–22.
“From Natural Law to Contract Theory---Also on Leo Strauss' Theory of Justice.” Philosophical Researches11 (2013): 96–102.
“Reconstruction of Totality——On Jameson’s Cultural Criticism Theory.” Teaching and Research2 (2012): 59–64.
“The Inevitable Way of the Construction of a Clean and Honest Government in China——From the Rule of Virtue to the Rule of Law.”Academic Exploration12(2012):17-21.
“Scientific Theory and Value System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.”Studies on the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics5(2010):43-48.
“Life Education from the view of Philosophy——Also on Fung Yu-Lan’s Theory of Four Levels of life.”Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University4(2012):53-56.
“From Human Nature to Human Value——A Key Question of Marx's Theory on Human Being(co-author with Prof. Li Deshun).”Marxism in Contemporary China1(2011):53-70.