Name Sun Guozhu
Email triexistence@163.com
Qualifications Doctor of Philosophy
Position Lecturer in Department of Philosophy andsupervisor of postgraduate studentsinSchool ofHumanities, China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL)
Areas ofexpertise philosophy and religious study, the knowledge transformation of culture.
Researchinterests the phenomenon of “Zen escapism”in the transition period between Mingand QingDynasties, Buddhist philosophy, contemporary construction of Chinese philosophy (symbiosis)
Academic visiting
Funded by China Scholarship Council, hevisited the East Asia Department of the University of Arizona from Sept.2014 to Sept.2015 during the periodof Ph.D.studies.
articlesin the journals ofBuddhist Studies,Morality and Civilization,The Religious Cultures in the World,Confucius Studies and Journal of Humanistic Religion Studies