Name CuiYuzhen
Email cuiyuzhen@gmail.com
Position Associate professor
Areas of expertise linguistics
Research interests
discourse research, applied linguistics, forensic linguistics, computational linguistics
Dec. 2004- Dec. 2009, Ph. D. in Linguistics,City University of Hong Kong
Sep. 2001- July 2004, Master’s Degree in Chinese Linguistics, Peking University of China
Sep. 1997- July 2001, Bachelor’sDegreeinChinese Linguistics,Peking University of China
Student education
Contemporary Chinese, Selected Readings on Classical Linguistics Works, Chinese Language and Culture, Pragmatics, Forensic Linguistics, Topicson Legal Languages
Selected publications
1.The Writing Essentials of Criminal Protest Documents,China Procuratorate Press,2018.
2.Anaphora Research on Chinese Discourses,Nankai University Press,2014.
Journal articles
1.“On Counterfactual Expressions in Courtroom Languages”, Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 2019.
2.“On Readability of Chinese Legal TextBased on Conjunction “Huozhe””, Contemporary Rhetoric, 2016.
3.“The Plight of Rule of Law in the Context of Rural Society”, Journal of China University of Political Science and Law, 2015.
4.“Information Analysis on Chinese CourtInterrogation”, Journal of China University of Political Science and Law, 2014.
5.“Zero Anaphora Resolution in Chinese Discourse”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: CICLing-2006: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 2016, 245-248, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
6.“The Grammaticalization Course of “Hua” and the Judgment”,Linguistic Sciences, 2004(6):51-56.
7.“The Generation Mechanism and Grammaticized Process of Non-patient Objective”,Journal of Changshu College, 2004(5):100-102.
1.“The Applications on Chinese Legal Sight Words”,inRule of Law: A Perspective from Philosophy, China: Contemporary China Publishing House,2018.
2.“Legal Languages Research Based on the Rule of Law in China”,inLiterature and Languages in the View of Law, China: Contemporary China Publishing House,2017.
3.“On“Yingdang”in Chinese Legal Languages”, inSelected Works of BeijingSocial Science Foundationin 2014, China:Capital Normal University Press, 2016.
4.“On the Narration of Court Interrogation”, inChinese Social Linguistics, China:The Commercial Press, 2015.
5.“To Study “Yingdang” in Legislation from Three Conceptual Domains: Acting, Knowing, and Uttering”, inForensicLinguistics in China:Theory andPractice, China: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2013.
6.“Chinese Bei-sentencesAreSentences withTopic-commentStructure”, inThe New Exploration of Chinese Grammatical Research, eds. by Shao Jingmin&Zhang Xianliang, Northeast Normal University Press,2007, pp.124-134.
Research Grants
“Corpus-based Application Study on Chinese Legal Sight Words”, Social Science Foundation of Beijing, China
External roles
Deputy Director, Center for Law and LanguageStudies, China University of Political Science and Law