Name Cui Yunhua
Email fadacuiyunhua@outlook.com
Position Professor
Areas of expertise classical literature, folk culture, culture of rule of law
2000-2003,Doctor of Literature,Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University
Student education
Undergraduates: History of Ancient Literature
Postgraduates: A Special Study on the Culture of Rule of Law
Selected publications
Journal articles
1.“Modern Formation and National Writing of the Chinese Detective Literature”,Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition), 2012(2).
2.“Context of Philosophy and Legal Thought: the New Theory of Chinese Detective Literature”,Tribune of Social Sciences, 2011(9):69-78.
3.“Cultural Image of the South of Yangtze River: Geographical Character and Aesthetic Style of Storytelling,Yuejiang Academic Journal, 2011(6):107-113; whole paper included inJournal Copies of Renmin University of China (Stage Art),2012(3).
4.“Guangfu Talking and Singing Research in Folklore: such as Muyu Shu”,Cultural Heritage,2011(1):143-149.
5.“Research on the Style and Formation of Beijing Ditty in the Qing Dynasty”,Journal of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art,2010(2):27-33.
6.“From ‘Amusing God’to ‘Amusing Human Being’: The Relationship between Seasonal Temple Fair and Arts of Taking and Singing in Beijing”,Journal of China University of Political Science and Law, 2009(4):119-127.
Conference papers
1. “Inside and Outside the Temple: Beijing Temple Activities and Folk Culture in zidishu of the Qing Dynasty”,presented at workshop on “Temple, Marketplace, Teahouse and Schoolroom: Local Settings and Social Contexts of Prosimetric Texts in Chinese Popular Traditions” ,2019, Leipzig,Germany.
2.“Language and Area Studies of Chinese Talking and Singing literature”,presented at the 16thCongress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences(ICAES), 2009, Kunming: Yunnan University, China.
1.Lecture on Rule of Law Culture(Editor-in-Chief), Heilongjiang Education Press, 2017.
2.The Vanishing Talking and Singing: China’s Three Major Basins Talking and Singing Research, Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press,2011.
3.Between Den and Bookstore: Research about ZiDiShu in Qing Dynasty, Beijing: Peking University Press,2005.
Research Grants
2013,National Social Science Foundation of China
2012, postdoctoral project funded by Philosophy and Social Sciences Foundation of the Ministry of Education
The first prize of The Third CUPL LINA Scientific Research of Young Teachers (2012)
External roles
Director of Chinese Institute of Folk Literature (CIFL)
Member of China Society for Anthropologies of Art (CSAA)
Academic visiting
2013-2014, Visiting Scholar, SOAS.