Name: Lu Yanjuan
Email: luyanjuan1212@sina.com
Position: Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: modern and contemporary Chinese literature
Research interests
modern and contemporary Chinese literature, culture study
2011, Doctor of Arts, Chinese Language and Literature Department, Peking University
2007, Master of Arts, Chinese Language and Literature Department, Peking University
2001, Bachelor of Education, Youth Education Department, China Youth Political College
Student education
Undergraduates: Study of 1940’s Chinese Literature, Study of 1980’s Chinese Literature, Study of modern and contemporary Chinese Fictions, Study of Contemporary Chinese Literature Phenomena
Graduates: Basic Problems and Methods of Aesthetics
Selected publications
Journal articles
1.“The Dynastic Change of the Ming and the Qing as Literary Narrative: Focusing on the Writing, Acceptance and Rewriting of Peach Blossom Fan”,Literature & Art Studies,2019 (8).
2.“Criticism and Counter-criticism of “Bureaucratism”: From “The Spring of Yan’an” to “The Period of Hundred Flowers””,Theory and Criticism of Literature and Art, 2018 (1); whole paper included inJournal Copies of Renmin University of China (Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature), 2018(5).
3.“An Unusual “Morning”: Reinterpreting theShanghai’s Morning”, Journal of Capital Normal University, 2017(2); whole paper included inJournal Copies of Renmin University of China (Literary and Artistic Theories), 2017(7).
4.“Further Discussion on the FilmThe Life of Wu Xunand Relevant Debates”,Theory And Criticism of Literature and Art, 2016(6); whole paper included inJournal Copies of Renmin University of China (Film and TV Arts), 2017(3).
5.“From Literary Tone to Ordinary People’s Language: A Re-examination of Style Changes after the Yan’an Symposium on Arts and Literature”,Journal of Capital Normal University, 2015(5);whole paper included inJournal Copies of Renmin University of China (Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature), 2016(2).
6.“The Complexity in the “Rebirth” Stories of Modern Chinese Revolution: A Case Study of Ding Ling”,Literature & Art Studies, 2015(3).
7.“The Spirit of History and the Modern of China: A Re-examination of the Historical Drama during the period of the War of Resistance against Japan”,Modern Chinese Literature Studies, 2013(4).
8.“The Speech on the Yan’an Symposium on Arts and Literatureand the People’s Culture Power”,Modern Chinese Literature Studies, 2012(6).
1.Further Study on the People’s Arts and Literature,Culture and Art Publishing House, 2015.
2.Different Discussions on the Old Problems: About Some Classic Topics in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Beijing People’s Publishing House, 2018.
Research Grants
“The Change of the Family -State Relations during the 20’s Century Chinese Arts and Literature”,National Social Science Foundation of China,2016
“People’s Culture from the Perspective of Chinese Dream”,Social Science Foundation of Beijing, China”,2013
Third-place prize, Fifth AnnualAwardsfor Excellent AcademicWorks of Junior Teachers atChina University of Political Science and Law, 2018
The title of “Qian Duansheng Junior Scholar” awarded by China University of Political Science and Law, 2017
First-place prize, CUPL Junior Teachers’ Basic Teaching Skill Competition, China University of Political Science and Law, 2013
External roles
Visiting Professor of National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature
External Expert of Chinese National Academy of Arts
Academic visiting
Aug.2017–Aug.2018,Visiting Scholar at DurhamUniversity, U.K.