Name Pan Shan
Email panshan_cupl@126.com
Position Lecturer
Areas of expertise comparativeliterature
Research interests Indology, life writing
Ph.D.at the Institute of World Literature, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University
Student education
Oriental Literature, Introduction to Novels in English,Comparative Literature, History of Foreign Literature II
Selected Publications
Journal articles
1.“The Writing Strategy of The Autobiography of An Unknown Indian.”Journal of Taiyuan Normal University (Social Sciences),2019(18): 48‒55.
2.“On the Manuscript Painting of the Persian Tuti-Nama”,Oriental Studies, 2016:165–175.
3. “The Global Impact of Contemporary South Asian Literature”,Dialogue Transcultural(Vol. 35), Eds. Yue Daiyun and Xavier Le Pichon, Beijing: SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2016: 284–290.
4.Pan, S., & Eschborn, U. “Nabokov’sLolitain China: Its Reception and the Rise of Popular Culture”,Nabokov Online Journal10‒11 (2016‒2017): 1‒18. [http://www.nabokovonline.com/uploads/2/3/7/7/23779748/9_pan_shan_and_ulrich_eschborn.pdf]
5.“A Comparative Study on Contemporary South Asian Literature in 2013”,China Book Review,2014(6): 108‒111. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-235X.2014.06.027.
6.“A Comparative Study of ‘The Weak Defeats the Strong’ Motif”,Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2014(4): 91‒95. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7623.2014.04.014.
7.“An Annual Report on West and South Asian Literature in 2012”,China Book Review,2013(4): 21‒23. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-235X.2013.04.006.
8.“From Unknownto Well-known: The PublicationofThe Autobiography of An Unknown Indianby Nirad Chaudhuri”,Studies on Oriental Life Writings,Eds. Liu Hong and Zhang Bing,Beijing: Peking University Press, 2012: 189‒196.
9.“The Anthropocentrism Thoughts inShāhnām”,Acta Linguistica et Litteraturaria Sinica Occidentalia200911(): 172‒176.
Conference papers
“The Image of India in V.S. Naipaul’sLetters between a Father and Son”,forum of “Frontiers of Discourse Studies,” China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, 10 November.
“Indian Literature in 2014”, Institute of World Literature, Peking University, Annual Convention on World Literature of the Year, Beijing, China, 11 January.
“A Cross-cultural Identity Construction and the Reading List: A Study of V. S. Naipaul’sLetters between a Father and Son,” the conference of “China, India and the Subcontinent: At the Crossroads of the ‘Geo-civilizational’ and the ‘Geo-political’,” Cheena Bhavana, Santiniketan, India, 21 September.
“Indian Literature in 2013”, Institute of World Literature, Peking University, Annual Convention on World Literature of the Year, Beijing, China, 14 January.
“Indian Literature in 2012”, Institute of World Literature, Peking University, Annual Convention on World Literature of the Year, Beijing, China, 19 January.
“Naipaul’s Literary Guide: The Reading List inLetters between a Father and Son”, The 17th Annual Convention of the International Auto/Biography Conference, Jiangsu Normal University, Jiangsu, China, 11 May.
“Finnish Literature in 2011”, Institute of World Literature, Peking University, Annual Convention on World Literature of the Year, Beijing, China, 24 December.
“Homeland in Memory: Images of India inThe Autobiography of An Unknown Indianby Nirad Chaudhuri”, Ecology and Life Writing: International Conference, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, 26 June.
“Global Fiction and the Global South: Jhumpa Lahiri’sInterpreter of Maladies”, Trinational Summer School: The Global South in the Age of Obama, Georgia State University, Atlanta, United States of America, 15 July.
“From Unknown to Well-known:The Autobiography of an Unknown Indianby Nirad Chaudhuri after Publication”, IABA Annual Conference: Life Writing and Intimate Publics, University of Sussex, Brighton, England, 1 July.
“The Motherland Images in ‘No Name Woman’ by Maxine Hong Kingston”, Summer School 2009, Transnational American Studies: The South in Global Perspectives, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, 30 July.
The Parrot’s Night Talks: A Comparative Study on the Diffusion ofShukasaptati. Beijing: Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2016.
Unknown (author). Chinese Translation ofShukasaptati[Seventy Tales of the Parrot].Beijing: Peking University Press, (forthcoming).[in Chinese]
Pan, S., & Liu, Y. (translators). Unknown (author).The Tooti Nameh[Tales of a Parrot]. Beijing: Peking University Press, (forthcoming).[in Chinese]
Pan, S. (translator). E. Miner (author). “Some Theoretical and Methodological Topics for Comparative Literature.” Chinese Translation. Reader of Comparative Poetics (Western Scholars Volume). Ed. Yang Naiqiao. Beijing: Capital Normal University Press, 2014: 121‒135. [in Chinese]
Research Grants
CUPL Research Fellowship for New Teachers, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, 2015–2017
Scholarship for the Doctoral College on Life Writing, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, 2009–2011
Third-place prize, Fifth AnnualAwardsfor Excellent AcademicWorks of Junior Teachers at CUPL,awarded in a university-wide competition,China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, 2018
Third-place prize, Li NaAwardsof Excellent AcademicWorks for Junior Teachers, School of Humanities, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, 2018
Excellent Teaching Award, School of Humanities, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, 2016
Second-place prize, CUPL Junior Teachers’ Basic Teaching Skill Competition, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, 2015
Best Annual Report Prize, Annual Convention on World Literature of the Year, Beijing, China, 11 January, 2015
First-place prize, International James Joyce Essay Competition, Peking University and Irish Embassy, Beijing, China, 2007
Academic visiting
9/2008–1/2009 Exchange student at the Institute for Asian and African Studies, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
6/2001–11/2009 Doctoral student at the Doctoral College on Life Writing at the Department of English and Linguistics at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (supported by a grant awarded by Johannes Gutenberg University)