Name WenBing
Email wenbing7218@foxmail.com
Position Professor
Areas of expertiseWestern Marxism,philosophy ofright,postmodernism
1991-1995,Ph.D.in Marxismphilosophy,Departmentof Philosophy, Peking University
1988-1991,M. A.in aesthetics,Departmentof Philosophy, Peking University
1983-1988,B.A.inphilosophy,Departmentof Philosophy, Peking University
1.“The Early Founding of Marxism through Marx’s Critique of the Thought about State and Law”,Academic Research,2019(5):1-6.
2.“Beyond the Civil Society: Rethinking the Relationship betweenRight and Power”, Philosophical Research,2019(3):29-35.
Student education
For undergraduate students:Modern Western Philosophy
Forpostgraduate students:
1.Research on Western Marxism;
2. Research on Post-modernism Philosophy
External roles
Vice Chairman ofBeijing PhilosophyAssociationandVice Chairman of China Axiology Association