Prof. Dr. Haojun Zhang
China University of Political Science and Law
Vice Dean of the School of Humanities
Chair of the Department of Philosophy
Research Interests
Comparative Study of Phenomenology and Analytic Philosophy
History of Western Philosophy
2003-2008 M. A. & Ph.D., Renmin(People’s)University of China (RUC), Beijing
1999-2003 B. A., Northwest Normal University (NNU), Lanzhou, Gansu
English: Reading and Speaking
German: Reading and Speaking
French: Reading
Chinese: Mother Tongue
Courses Offered in Recent Years
Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations
Husserl's Formal and Transcendental Logic
Introduction to Phenomenology
History of Western Philosophy
Modern Philosophy
Methodology of Philosophy
Philosophical English
Experiences of Research
08.2014-08.2015 Visiting Scholar, Husserl Archive, Cologne University, Cologne, Germany
04.2011-04.2012 Visiting Scholar, School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, USA
Selected Publications
A Study of Husserl’s Logic, Capital Normal University Press, 2010, 1-166
“Descartes and Husserl on ‘clear and distinct’”, Husserl Studies (2019) 35: 51-72. SCI, A&HCI
“How Phenomenology founds Social Sciences? Taking Schütz’s Phenomenological Sociology as an Example”, Chinese University Social Science 5 (2018): 72-82
“Intersubjectivity and Constitution: on Schütz’s Critique of Husserl”, Philosophical Researches 3 (2018): 100-108
“The Other in Alfred Schutz’s Phenomenology of the Social World”, Academic Research 5 (2018): 21-28
“The Founding way of Geistwissenschaft: from Descriptive Psychology to Life-world Phenomenology”, Philosophical Trends 7 (2018): 68-75
“Levinas’ Ethics of Responsibility”,in Justice and Responsibility: Cultural and Philosophical Foundations, edited by João J. Vila-Chã and John P. Hogan, published by The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2018, pp. 70-96.
“On Formal Ontology of Husserl”, Academic Research 8 (2016): 28-37
“Empathy and Morality”, Philosophical Trends 6 (2016): 73-80
“Interpretation of ‘Interpretation’”, Modern Philosophy 3 (2016): 82-89
"Component or Moment?——A Critical Assessment of Habermas' Division of Life-World", in The Role of Religions in the Public Sphere: The Post-Secular Model of Jürgen Habermas and Beyond, Edited by Plamen Makariev & Vensus A. George, Published by The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2015, pp. 21-30
“On the Theory of the Other of Levinas”, World Philosophy 3(2015): 21-28
“From Active Synthesis to Passive Synthesis. Husserl’s Critique and Development of Kant’s Theory of Synthesis”, in: The Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China,2014, pp. 43-71
“Edith Stein on the Nature of Empathy”, World Philosophy 2 (2013): 142-150
“Two Different Chinese Translations of the Key Concept of Transcendental”, Philosophical Trends 11 (2010): 78-83
“The Dialogues between Phenomenology and Analytic Philosophy”, Philosophical Researches 12 (2010): 81-86
“Activity of Perception and Active Synthesis: A Review of Husserl’s Genealogy of Judgment”, Modern Philosophy 5 (2010): 85-91
“Husserl’s Dividing of Logic into Three Strata and Its Meaning”, Journal of Tongji University 5 (2010): 21-31
“Husserl’s concept of Passivity”, World Philosophy 1 (2010): 141-150
“From Objective Logic to Subjective Logic: Husserl’s Way of Logic“, Hebei Academic Journal 5 (2009): 55-58
“Formal Apophantics and Formal Ontology: Husserl’s Widening of the Idea of Formal Logic”, in: The Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2009, 196-209
“Transcendental Logic in Husserl’s Criticism of Kant: With an Discussion of the Difference between Traditional and Modern Logic and Husserl’s Transcendental Logic”, in: The Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2008, 230-245
Edith Stein, Zum Problem der Einfühlung, trans. by Haojun Zhang, East China Normal University Press, 2014
D. F. M. Strauss, “Metaphysics between Reductionism and a Non-Reductionist Ontology”, in: Journal of Guangxi University 4 (2016): 30-48
John J. Drummond, “An abstract consideration: de-ontologizing the noema”, in: The Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2010, 217-243
David Woodruff Smith and Ronald Mclntyre, “Intentionality via Intentions”, in: The Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2010, 244-274
David Woodruff Smith and Ronald Mclntyre, “Husserl’s Identification of Meaning and Noema”, World Philosophy 2 (2010): 101-117
Dagfinn F➢llesdal, “Husserl’s Notion of Noema”, World Philosophy 2 (2010): 118-124
Helen S. Lang, “Philoponus' Aristotle: the Extension of Place”, in: Selected Works of Research into Aristotle in 20th Century, East China Normal University Press, 2010
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